Indianapolis was hit with huge ice storms this week. Classes at my school were canceled almost the entire week, which is practically unheard of at my college. I went four whole years of undergrad without nary a day off, even with blizzards and ice and cold. I also got off work early on Tuesday because of the continuing Icepocalypse that night. Unfortunately, I majorly wiped out on my stairs as I was trying to clean them off. I misjudged the amount of snow/ice on the top step and flew off, hitting an ice-covered snowberg on the way down. Ow. I've been laid up for the past two to three days on various painkillers. Plus: painkillers. Minus: the house is a mess, I still have homework to do, and my back hurts like a .... something that hurts a lot.
On the additional upside, I have had twenty+ hours a day to surf teh interwebs and find exciting new websites! Like these:
Casa Bella. What beautiful inspirational photos! Plus, she is giving away an Anthro gift card, and we all know how I love Anthro. Bonus downside of being laid up on the couch? Too much time to shop online. Oh Anthro, your site is so tempting on Vicodin!!
Kate and Oli: Okay, I love this site. How much? Too much. So, so, so, so beautiful. And she's holding two giveaways: one for a
Laura Amiss print (Happy Tears, you WILL be mine!) and one for an
Art Garden print.
Happy Tears, Laura Amiss on left. Hollyhock, Art Garden on right.
More to come!