Sunday, March 18, 2012

spring has definitely sprung

Spring has sprung here in central Indiana - and dare I say it, summer may have also sprung! We are having insanely warm weather over the past few weeks (third warmest March ever). It's been 80 degrees! I went to Florida last week and it was barely that warm there!

Because of the amazing weather, I got caught up on a bit of yardwork and started some seeds. Last summer, with two jobs and school, I barely even touched my garden. I bought starts at the school fundraiser, got them in the ground, and that was about it.

This year I started tomatoes (Break O Day, Firework and Fox Cherry), California Wonder green peppers, Corno di Toro peppers, broccoli, onions and just for the heck of it, some squash. Most of my seeds are two to three years old so we'll see how they germinate in the next few weeks. The broccoli is from an awesome friend's husband.

I follow Tim's Square Foot Garden blog to know when to plant what here in central IN. He is far more ambitious than I, with cold frames and whatnot. He recommends Dixondale Farms for onions, but I bought mine at Menard's last year so I'm sticking with those for the season. I don't even like onions, it was just something to plant.

I plan on expanding out my raised beds soon so I can actually grow some squash and green beans and not have the tomatoes take over.

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