Indianapolis is home to the 2012 Super Bowl (and much controversy over renaming three blocks of one street. Team Georgia!), and as such there are lots of projects to get Indy ready for The Big Game. I am, of course, referring to the endless construction on Downtown streets.
No wait, that is not cool at all. It's sheer torture. Michigan Street, I am looking at you.
I'm talking about the Super Scarves project, in which knitters from around the world (probably, or at least Greenwood and Carmel) knit festive blue and white scarves for the 8000+ volunteers who will brave the freakishly cold weather to do something for the Super Bowl. They chose blue and white as the colors because when they started this project, the Colts were awesome and not playing like a junior high school football team.
I have not yet knit a Super Scarf. I have looked at the website and visited Michael's craft store with my 40% off coupon, but all they had was tacky acrylic and my knitting needles are allergic. So instead if I get off my duff and make it to Mass Ave Knit Shop, I can purchase some festive yarn myself.
The website has instructions and a FAQ (all PDF documents), including color suggestions from major brands. The scarves should be 6-8 inches wide and 76-100 inches long on size 8 needles. Ravelry also has an active group with lots of patterns.
I wanted to include a super cute picture that I saw today of Blue in his scarf at the Dome, but now I can't find it. Use your imaginations: blue and white scarves, football. Go.