Wednesday, October 1, 2008

101 Things

I'm starting a 101 Things in 1001 Days. My end date is June 29, 2011, so I have plenty of time to finish these!

I sorted them into categories, although some do overlap. I think the first one I'll finish is the Marathon (November 1st!). I'll also try to post on my blog every day until then.

Crafty Things:
1. Post on my blog(s) every day for a month (0/30)
2. Do a Photo-A-Day every day for a month (0/30)
3. Tag/sort/organize all my photos in Flickr (0/1)
4. Tag all my photos on my Mac (0/1)
5. Make extra cards so I have a stash of 20 extra birthday/baby/thank you/wedding cards (0/20)
6. Finish duvet for my bedroom (0/1)
7. Find four photos for the dining room frames (0/4)
8. Make a cork board/bulletin board for the back door (0/1)
9. Make the Bean an Xmas Stocking (0/1)
10. Start knitting group (0/1)
11. Learn to crochet (0/1)
12. Take an art class (0/1)
13. Sew a dress (0/1)
14. Do Wordless Wednesdays for two months (0/8)
15. Buy an original painting or artwork (0/1)
16. Make a felt bowl/box/something (0/1)

Financial Things:

17. Pay down my CC debt (0/1)
18. Pay down my Dad debt (0/1)
19. Pay down my termite debt/Get termites taken care of too! (0/1)
20. Save in Emergency Savings account $500-$1000 (0/1000)
21. Close all credit cards for cards I don't use/Credit check yearly (0/2)
22. Put $5 into emergency account for each task completed. (0/101)

Things for me:
23. Read 21 books off Big Read List (I've read 39 so far) (0/21)
24. Spend a (non-vacation) day off the internet (0/1)
25. Volunteer 101 hours (0/101)
26. Send and receive a postcard via (0/1)
27. Identify 101 things that make me happy, make a list, maybe a wordle? (0/1)
28. Take a gardening class (0/1)
29. Go to a lecture at the library, IUPUI, Herron, etc. (0/1)
30. Get a tattoo (0/1)

Things for other people:
31. Send ten thank-you or birthday cards (0/10)
32. Send special cards to my mom 30 times. (0/30)
33. Buy my mom flowers (0/1)
34. Donate 30,000 grains of rice to (0/30000)
35. Freecycle ten things (0/10)
36. Cook dinner for Mom and Dad (0/1)
37. Take my cousins to a museum/zoo/out for a day (0/1)
38. Take my parents out to dinner (0/1)
39. Vote in (and encourage others) to vote in the 2008 elections (0/1)

For funsies:

40. Go to the movies alone (0/1)
41. See a Broadway/Broadway Across America show (0/1)
42. Watch 20 classic/old movies- get from AFI List (I reserve the right to skip scary movies!) (0/20)
43. Buy a dress from Anthropologie (0/1)
44. Get a mani or pedi every week for a month (0/4)
45. Create an inspiration board or book for crafting and home (0/1)
46. Read five biographies (0/5)
47. Read 35 more of Agatha Christie's books that are available through IMCPL (0/35)
48. Learn to drive a stick (0/1)
49. Win a contest (0/1)
50. Buy red shoes (0/1)
51. Read five graphic novels (0/5)
52. Go to the Symphony (0/1)

Gardening Things:
53. Build raised planting beds (0/1)
54. Plant Way Back garden (0/1)
55. Plant a tree (0/1)

Health and Fitness Things:
56. Run a marathon (0/1)
57. Bake a gluten-free cake, not from mix (0/1)
58. One week without candy- three times! (0/1)
59. Donate a gallon of blood (0/8)
60. Walk the Bean every day for a week 10 times (0/10)
61. Do a triathlon (0/1)
62. Join an Intramural sport (0/1)
63. Sign up for a 5K with Mom (0/1)
64. Take a new fitness class at the gym 10 times (or 10 new classes total) (0/10)
65. Join a running club (Athletic Annex) (0/1)
66. Buy a new bike (0/1)
67. Go hiking five times (0/5)
68. Go rock climbing (0/1)

House Things:
69. Purge and donate 101 Things (0/101)
70. Organize pantry (0/1)
71. Clean out bedroom closet so you can see the floor (0/1)
72. Paint guest room (again) (0/1)
73. Paint hallway (0/1)
74. Dismantle Panic Room (0/1)
75. Document possessions for insurance- photos, registration numbers, etc (0/1)
76. Put together an Emergency Kit/Evac Kit (0/1)
77. Find, buy, or create a headboard/bedframe (0/1)
78. Find, buy or create art for above said headboard (0/1)
79. Buy a hamper, put clothes in it! (0/1)
80. Get another dog (0/1)
81. Escrow monthly for termite contract ($22/month) (0/32)

Social Things:
82. Go to ten local live-music shows (alone, if I have to!) (0/10)
83. Go to Roller Derby (0/1)
84. Go on a blind date (0/1)
85. Have a Girl's Night In for movies and mixed drinks five times (0/5)
86. Go on at least five dates (0/5)
87. Throw a Family Dinner twice (0/2)
88. Host a game night (0/1)
89. Try ten new restaurants in Indy (0/5)
90. Go to a wine tasting (0/1)
91. Go bowling (0/1)
92. Celebrate my 30th birthday IN STYLE (0/1)
93. Go to the Indiana State Fair (0/1)

Travel Things:
94. Travel to one foreign country (0/1)
95. Go to a Cubs game (0/1)
96. Go to Ikea in Cincy/Schaumburg (0/1)
97. Travel to at least three other states (Ohio and Kentucky do not count) (0/3)
98. Spend a weekend in Chicago (0/1)
99. Visit Grandpa (0/1)

Work Things:
100. Get a raise (0/2)
101. Get a promotion (0/1)

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