Saturday, September 22, 2007

craft breakdown

I haven't been very crafty lately. This always happens in the summer- I spend most of my time gardening, playing with the dog, or running. This year I've added "painting and fixing up the house" to the list of summer-things to do. Well, summer is pretty much officially over now (even though it was 87 degrees today!) so now I can move into the fall craft mindset. I decorated last weekend- since it was a balmy 60 degrees last Saturday, and now I'm ready for fall! I have even working on fall decorations, both for my house and my swappee for the Witches' Cauldron swap. I scored some good stuff on clearance last year, and got some good stuff on sale already and at the thrift store. I had big plans to make some elaborate halloween vases, but those will have to wait until another year b/c I can't find the right vases for them. Boo.

So hopefully these small paper projects will boost me back into knitting. I have two WIP scarves to finish, and a shawl for my mom to start. Luckily, it's only September, right? Sure, except Joanns and Michael's already have Christmas stuff out!!! It's like retail skipped fall and went straight to winter.

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